Thursday, December 9, 2010

Great Job 5th Grade

What a wonderful group of 5th grade dancers! You look amazing for your parents this week!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

5th & 6th Grade Parent observation days

Parent Observation Days:Mrs. A. Thompson’s 5th & 6th Grade Dance Classes
Time: 9:00AM- 9:45AM
Fri. Dec 3rd and Mon. Dec 6th = Mrs. Baird
Tues. & Wed. Dec. 7th & 8th= Mrs. Stanger
Thurs. & Fri. Dec. 9th & 10th =Mrs. Thompson
Mon. & Tues. Dec. 13th & 14th= Mrs. Barrutia
Note: We have set TWO dates for each class. Parents are welcome to come either day to observe their students.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Give the gift of an education to a child in another country for christmas!

Hello Parents

Parent Teacher conference went great! So glad to meet so many involved parents.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

modern a & b

I am so very pleased with the chorepgraphy for your mid term!
Great Job! Thanks, for working so hard!
Love, Mrs. Thompson

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

5th & 6th Grade dance

GREAT job! 5th & 6th Grade dance class on your Group choreography to "Fall Season"

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mid Terms are here!!!

Health Test Tuesday!!!

Modern A Mid Term Choreography Due Tuesday!

Modern B Mid term Due Wed and Next Monday Nov. 9th.

5th and 6th Grade Dance Vocabulary Test went well. We will start on you Dance choreography next time you have class with me.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hello Dancers!!!

-5th & 6th Grade Dance students: You need to have Black jazz, Ballet or Ballroom shoes by Oct -1st!!

-Modern Dance students: We are working on Pathways (shape) and Beginning Choreography

-Health Students: We will be doing a relaxation Exercise this week and You Need a BLANKET or YOGA mat